Lizzy Steps in for Malmsteen After major internal strife with the Malmsteen line up, tour dates had to be cancelled on the Malmsteen/ Lizzy Borden tour. Reports are not clear yet but it looks as though the Malmsteen singer and drummer have quit and he is going to have to spend some time to regroup. Lizzy Borden is prepared to step in and play some of the shows that have been cancelled by Malmsteen. Already the Columbus Ohio show was played by Lizzy and it was a complete success. Lizzy was able to do his entire show and brought down the house. "The hope is to pick up all the dates that have been canceled so the fans don't have to go without. We know the Lizzy fans will be out in full force as they were in Columbus and they are going to love the new show" explained Lizzy. Future planned headlining shows are MINNEAPOLIS at the FINE LINE and J. J. KELLY'S in LANSING IL. We ask all the Borden maniacs to flood the venues with calls about Lizzy and let the prompters know you're out there, and that you want to see him headline and bring the entire bloody show.